I-Konrad Adenauer
Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967) was a German politician. He attempted to recreate bounds between France and Germany during his term in office (1949-1963). He also signed a treaty of friendship with France
II-Joseph Bech
Joseph Bech (1887-1975) was a Prime minister of Luxembourg, he played an important role in the creation of the European coal and steel Community which played an important role in the European integration
III-Johan Willem Beyen
Johan Willem Beyen (1897-1976) was a Dutch foreign minister, he implemented the " Beyen plan” which helped the integration process of the European project in the middle of the 50s’
IV-Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
was a Former British Prime Minister, he was one of the first to call for “United states of Europe. His main goal was to prevent any new potential war.
V-Alcide De Gasper
Alcide De Gasperi (1881-1954) was an Italian Prime minister, involved in the creation of the Council of Europe and in creating rapprochement between other European states.
VI-Jean Monnet
Jean Monnet (1888-1979)
was a French diplomat and political economist, he helped prepare the Schuman Declaration which foresaw integration of the German and French coal and steel industries. Monnet also advocated gradual approach to the European integration.
VII-Robert Schuman
Robert Schuman (1886-1963)
was a French foreign minister, he is at the origin (together with Monnet) of the Schuman Declaration in 1950
VIII-Paul-Henri Spaak
Paul-Henri Spaak (1899-1972)
was a Belgian Prime minister, he was one of the main figure during the redaction of the Treaty of Rome in 1957 which led to the foundation of the European Economic Community.