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              EUROPEAN UNION

I-Its action on the population

european union map definitive

The European Union covers more than 4 million square kilometers. Its population is around 446 million.

Europe's population is growing due to natural growth and migration.

The European Union seeks to improve the quality of life of its citizens by protecting the environment, promoting job creation, reducing regional inequalities and connecting isolated regions through the development of cross-border infrastructure.

II-Its action on the currency

In 1979, the European Monetary System (EMS) has been launched. In fact, since the Second World War, international monetary markets had not been stable and were threatening the prices guaranteed by the Common Agricultural Policy (a pillar of the European Economic Community).


In 1992, the EU decided to set the Economic and Monetary Union. This new Union means the cooperation of economic and fiscal policies: a common monetary policy. The first objective of this union was therefore to establish a common currency : the Euro.

After a decade of preparations, the euro was launched on 1 January 1999: for the first three years it was an "invisible" currency, used only for accounting purposes and for electronic payments.The notes and coins were introduced on 1 January 2002 in 12 EU countries. Together, these countries make up the euro area.


The single currency presents undeniable advantages: it lowers the costs of financial transactions, makes travel easier and strengthens the role of the EU at international level.

III-Its action on climate change

Since 2010, the EU has set the goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% by 2020. The aim is to increase the proportion of sustainable energy to at least 20%.

By reaching those objectives, the EU contributes to fight against both climate change and air pollution. By doing that, the EU can reduce its dependence on foreign fossil fuels and keep energy affordable for Europeans citizens. In 2004, the proportion of sustainable energy used in the EU was only 8,5 % and18 % in 2018.

Moreover, EU countries have agreed to increase the energy efficiency by at least 27 %  by 2030 and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 %.

In February 2015, in order for the EU to achieve theses targets, the European Commission set an energy strategy.

The strategy focuses on five key aspects :

Securing supplies (being less dependent on energy from outside its borders)
Expanding the internal energy market (energy should flow freely across the EU, 800 million € were spent by the EU for cross-border energy infrastructure)
Increasing energy efficiency (that means everything that uses energy should be designed in a way that it uses less energy) 
Reducing emissions (the EU     has committed to cutting carbon dioxide emissions by at least 40 % by 2030 while modernizing the EU’s economy and creating jobs and growth for all European citizens)   
Research and innovation (the Commission adopted the Strategic Energy Technology Plan which will help address     the challenges that must be met for the transformation of the EU’s  energy system. 6 billion € is dedicated to non-nuclear energy research for the period 2014-2020).    

IV-Its action on education

The EU supports Member States in their efforts to provide the best education and training for their citizens. It also promotes multilingualism in Europe, helping with the teaching and learning of languages, encouraging mobility of students, trainees, teachers and young people, and facilitating exchanges of information and experience.

To reach the objectives set out in the education and training framework, the EU implements policies in schools of course; but also in sectors such as early childhood, higher and adult education.

One of the main EU initiative for education is Erasmus+, a international exchange program. With a budget of 2.8 billion€ in 2018, its aim is to give to European citizens opportunities to learn aboard, give them tools that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

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